© 2022 Mid-America Region of Narcotics Anonymous. Saturday at 9AM (Closed to addicts only) Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at: Meeting ID: 6 Password: 263551 Step X Step Tuesday at Noon (Closed to addicts only) Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at:

Monday 6-7:00PM Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at: Or by phone by calling 64 and enter Meeting ID:5200825513 Recovery First Wednesday, 8:00PM Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at: Saturday, 9:00PM Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at: Join Zoom meeting by Tablet, Phone, or Computer at: Monday 12:00 PM, Wednesday 12:00 PM, Wednesday 8:00 PM, Friday 12:00 PM, Friday 6:30 PM (the only online meetings on this day will be the 1st Friday & the 3rd Friday of the month no online version will be offered on the 2nd/4th/5th Fridays) Password: 66502 Call in number: 25 Pioneer Group

This information is subject to change without notice: MOA Group Adaptez vos salles de confrence aux besoins en constante volution de vos effectifs tout en offrant un quilibre entre le travail en prsentiel et le tltravail grce aux fonctionnalits vido HD et audio, au partage sans fil de contenus et au tableau blanc interactif.